Please don't mail Simon about this version - he's aware of what I did and apparently has "plans" for including some of the changes in future PuTTY's.
Secondly, you'll notice the main dialog is somewhat larger. I have a decent sized screen and it really annoys me when application developers decide to force me to only use a tiiny part of it, and have to try and hit tiny thumbscrolls on list boxes or worse. Microsoft themselves, even in Vista, are big culprits. Because of the way PuTTY is designed, I couldn't see an easy way to make the dialog properly resizable, but this build has much more space for the list controls which I find really beneficial.
I've also made the icon use green for the screen colour rather than blue. This is PuTTYij, not PuTTY.
0.59ij2 (for Pageant 0.59)
You probably won't want this, but here's the source including my tweaks.